Dice Usage

Most actions can be written out in roleplay and can be made up entirely by you, the player! Dice usage should only be reserved for actions that really testing a character's stats (that will be referred to as "special actions"), too keep character writing more naturalistic and bound only by your own creativity. The special actions that require a dice roll and the stats that they are affected by are as follows:

Charm Ability to persuade, allure, or general charisma.
Cool Keeping calm or making decisions under pressure.
Sharp Recollecting info, putting two and two together, or acuteness.
Fit Physical fitness/stamina, strength, or speed.
Magic Level of supernatural power through music.
(Magical ability and musical ability are inherently intertwined!)

You roll 1d12 to determine your success in special actions. You must add or subtract your stat number to your special action. For example, if you roll a 10 in an act of toughness and your tough stat is +2, your final roll will be 12. Dice rolls aren't limited to special actions, you can roll 1d12 for any situation you see applicable or fits in with your writing! What the final dice roll quantities mean and what they cause are as follows:

10+ A perfect success.
7-9 A rocky success, barely a success.
2-6 A failure.
1 or below A heavy failure, comes with a toll.

Dice usage also applies to some game mechanics the roleplay server has, such as farming, ranching, foraging, mining, and fishing.


There is magic in the music of Harmony Hills. Magic and music are inherently tied, so magic is a skill that anyone can learn, but is a practice that is not easy to master! The magic stat is the only stat that is expanded upon depending on the type of magic to perform. Basic magic can be performed by anyone with a simple hum, whistle, or tapped rhythm, but is limited to only being able to move small objects. Advanced magic requires either an enchanted instrument or enchanted sheet music to perform, and grants the user much more acute abilities. A roll of 1d12 is required for advanced magic, whereas basic magic does not. The same basic rules for dice usage as noted above apply when performing advanced magic.

There is a distinct difference between the magic that comes from instruments (with enchanted instruments) or from singing (with enchanted sheet music). Instruments deals with anything without consciousness, singing deals with things with consciousness. For a better understanding of what this means, the six types of magic of Harmony Hills are as follows:

Singing Magic | Enchanted Sheet Music
Red Affects the behavior, feelings, and constitution of animals.
Pink Affects the behavior, feelings, and constitution of people.
Purple Affects the physical and mental healing of any animals or people.

Instrument Magic | Enchanted Instrument
Yellow Affects archaic magic such as summoning, transmutations, teleportation, and illusions.
Green Affects elemental or natural magic such as fire, water, air, and earth.
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There is a specific composition roleplay must be written in when posting. The style is similar to script, but can be as long as paragraph if necessary. This formatting only applies to in-character responses in the according channels. Below is the basic structure as well as an example.

Character Name: This is dialogue. //This is an action. This is an internal thought.//
Bob: Sure, I can make the shot! //He throws the ball rather lopsidedly. Actually, I take that back.//